Rally Gage
by George Nenadovich

Here is a picture of 70-2 rally gage. This set-up uses special
temperature and oil senders.
Here is a top view of the rally gage. Attached is the 6"
factory adapter harness which plugs into the main wiring harness. This adapter
is often forgotten since most people remove the gage and forget about the
adapter. Also notice the black wire at the top. This wire grounds the unit
to the main harness. It has a separate spade on the back of the gage. Idiot
lights do not have this feature.
If you do not have the adapter harness, you can make your factory
main harness work by rearranging the wires. Use a small scriber or finishing
nail to unplug the wires from the harness. The wires are as follows (as
seen in the picture above, starting from the bottom) for the rally gage:
- Green
- Dark Brown
- Blank
- Pink
- Tan w/white tracer
- Blue
- Tan
- Gray
When the main wiring harness is in the car, you will see the following
wires going from left to right which in the photo above means going from
bottom to top as follows:
- Gray
- Green
- Blue
- Tan
- Black-this is the ground wire
- Pink
- Dark Brown
- Tan w/white tracer
Black arrow indicates factory ground tang. If this is missing
you can use a crimp-on eyelet and run a wire from it to the metal dash structure
which will act as ground
Arrow in lower left corner points to date code on the rally
gage package....this one is 9 69 and was in a 70 GS455. Notice second arrow
above it....ground tang is missing when compare to the 72 unit pictured
above. My understanding is the ground tang is for the "FASTEN SEAT
BELTS" warning light that is mounted on the dash pad for 72 models.
Ground strap for the rally gage which shares a ground with
the speedometer. The harness for the speedometer has a ground wire from
the main harness.
It should take about 5 minutes to rearrange the wiring. Disconnect
the dark green wire at the ignition switch on the lower column. This was
set-up to test the temp. lamp upon start up. Disconnecting it will prevent
the gauge from spiking during start-up. Oil pressure gauge sending unit,
Echlin Part number OP6650, available at NAPA, rated at 80 PSI. I install
the rally gage in my cars but install an aftermarket set of gages such as
Autometer to get an actual numeric reading. I can't tell what 3/4 of H means
so it is nice to read an actual water temp of 180 degrees or for oil pressure,
60 psi. Sometimes the factory gages are not very accurate and I prefer an
aftermarket set to monitor engine parameters.