Carter Carb Info

by Dan Jones


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To determine Carter AFB carb flow, measure the butterfly bores and use the table below:


CFM       Venturi Diameter            Bore Diameter
        primary    secondary       primary   secondary
400	     1 1/8       1 1/4          1 7/16      1 7/16
500     1 3/16      1 1/4          1 7/16      1 11/16
575     1 1/4       1 9/16         1 9/16      1 11/16
625     1 3/16      1 9/16         1 7/16      1 11/16
750     1 7/16      1 9/16         1 11/16     1 11/16


9000 Series AFB Code Deciphering

Base part number is 9000 and the last three digits refer to flow rating. For example, 9625 is a 625 CFM AFB carb. Adding 0, 9625 means it was set up for a Chevy style linkage, adding 1, 9626, means it is a 625 for a Chrysler, adding 2, 9627, means it is for Ford; adding 10, 9635, means provision for EGR.

If the carb is an aftermarket version, it will have a 9xxx cast in the front near where the mounting stud goes through.