Body Style is listed as sedan(thin pillar), hardtop and
convertible. 3/f is 3 speed shift on floor, 3/c is 3 speed
shift on column, 4s is 4 speed. Eng code is located on the
deck for small blocks between #1 and #5 cylinders. On big
blocks it is located on the deck, near the dipstick location,
between #5 and #7 cylinders. See below

Here is a pic of a 71 455. Left arrow shows oil dipstick
hole. Right arrow points to engine code stamped on the deck. Code is TR.
If the block has been decked, the engine code can be erased.

Here is a 71 455. Arrow points to engine VIN. This number
can be hard to see when the power steering pump is installed. If the car
is original, you may need to use some degreaser/carb cleaner to remove the
oil, grime from the surface. The last six digits should match the VIN that
appears at the base of the windshield to be a numbers matching car.
1965 GS Production
Body Style 3/f 4s 300A Eng Code Prod
Sedan-400 405 614 1263 LR 2282
Hrdtp-400 604 3077 7670 LR 11351
Conv-400 123 598 1426 LR 2147
1966 GS Production
Body Style 3/f 4s 300A Eng Code Prod
Sedan-400 178 308 1349 MR 1835
Hrdtp-400 450 2199 7285 MR 9934
Conv-400 136 431 1480 MR 2047
1967 GS Production
Body Style 3/f 4s 300A Eng Code Prod
GS 340 NB 3692
Sedan-400 116 168 730 NR 1014
Hrdtp-400 373 2280 8006 NR 10659
Conv-400 9 422 1628 NR 2140
CA GS-340 1577 NB 1577
1968 GS Production
Body Style 3/c 3/f 4s 300A 400A Eng Code Prod
CA GS/SD 0 0 0 4831 0 PP 4831
Hdtp-350 106 349 844 7018 0 PP 8317
Hdtp-400 0 242 1632 0 8869 PR 10743
Conv-400 0 79 351 0 2024 PR 2454
1969 GS Production
Body Style 3/c 3/f 4s TH350 TH400 Eng Code Prod
CA GS/SD 0 0 0 3574 0 RP 3574
Hdtp-350 50 175 632 5440 0 RP 6305
Hdtp-400 0 117 785 0 5444 RR 6346
Hdtp-Stg1 0 9 415 0 832 RS 1256
Conv-400 0 48 213 0 13030 RR 1564
Conv-Stg1 0 4 77 0 131 RS 212
1970 GS Production
Body Style 3/c 3/f 4s TH350 TH400 Eng Code Prod
Hdtp-350 48 176 884 8840 0 SP 9948
Hdtp-455 0 66 510 0 5013 SR 5589
Hdtp-Stg1 0 16 664 0 1785 SS 2465
GSX 0 0 81 0 197 SR 278
GSX-Stg1 0 0 118 0 282 SS 400
Conv-455 0 18 126 0 1040 SR 1184
Conv-Stg1 0 1 67 0 164 SS 232
1971 GS Production
Body Style 3/c 3/f 4s TH350 TH400 Eng Code Prod
Hdtp-350 25 0 358 5603 0 TB 5986
Hdtp-455 0 0 103 0 1378 TR 1481
Hdtp-Stg1 0 0 114 0 687 TS 801
GSX with 350, 455 and Stg1 engines 124
Conv-350 6 0 51 599 0 TB 656
Conv-455 0 0 18 0 147 TR 165
Conv-Stg1 0 0 9 0 72 TS 81
1972 GS Production
Body Style 3/c 3/f 4s TH350 TH400 Eng Code Prod
Hdtp-350 16 0 353 5526 1 WB 5896
Hdtp-455 0 0 84 0 1015 WF 1099
Hdtp-Stg1 0 0 101 0 627 WS 728
GSX w/350, 455 and Stg1 engines 44
Conv-350 5 0 39 601 0 WB 645
Conv-455 0 0 12 0 114 WF 126
Conv-Stg1 0 0 15 0 66 WS 81